Strategies that Work |
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Every educator should know about the research done by Marzano and his colleagues in the field of learning strategies. Above are several links to other pages that give details and provide resources and materials for teachers. The famous “9 Strategies that work” are:
1. Identifying similarities and differences 2. Summarizing and note taking 3. Reinforcing effort and providing recognition 4. Homework and practice 5. Non-linguistic representations 6. Cooperative learning 7. Setting objectives and providing feedback 8. Generating and testing hypotheses 9. Cues, questions, and advance organizers Source: Adapted from Classroom Instruction That Works by R. J. Marzano, D. J. Pickering, and J. E. Pollock, 2001, Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Click on the "9 Strategies" link above for a detailed description. |