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Critical Thinking
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Thinking?! You expect me to think?! How am I supposed to do that let alone do it critically?

Alright then, let's try something a bit easier. Try to argue a point. This is called 'Taking a Stand' and it is one of the most common strategies on state tests but beyond that, it is a good skill to carry with you for the rest of your life. It teaches you how to distinguish fact from opinion as well as how to argue a point from multiple sides allowing you to see things from different perspectives. Once you get the hang of it you will notice that you are better able to articulate your opinion, state a thesis for a paper, use deductive reasoning and just plain old think for yourself. This activity is tied to Georgia Performance Standards: ELA9W1, ELA9W3.

This strategy was adapted from Content Area Learning by Mark Conley

Use this guide (click here) to get you started.